If I were to blog for Starbucks

Starbucks, to blog for your company would be a dream. You have created a beautiful monster out of your company and your cult following is one to be admired and envied.Green logo used from 1987-2010, still being us...

Something I noticed when going to check out their website and blog is that the Starbucks Blog is lacking the oomph that you would expect to see in a Starbucks creation. Blogs are tools of conversation and expression and seeing that the last post on the blog is from December and the one before that from July, it doesn’t look like that conversation really exists.

It is difficult to connect with Starbucks via their internet presence and I would love to be on board to help enhance that presence. Coffee is full of life, passion and routine (not in the boring way) and Starbucks could embody those qualities through their blog. People love coffee but this blog has the ability to make people excited about coffee again!

Through writing this blog for my Electronic Writing course I have learned a lot more about the blogging world than I ever knew existed. I find that the two key basics of blogging are knowing your audience and revising your writing to be as tight and concise as possible.

When you know your audience they feel a connection to you and your blog. If your audience can find community in your blog then you have done your job but if your posts are too long it may be difficult to grasp your potential audience’s attention. Short sentences and paragraphs are gold, especially if they are wrapped around content you and your reader can be passionate about.

So Starbucks, lets get back in the game. It’s time to have a conversation with your audience and get them excited about coffee again!

7 thoughts on “If I were to blog for Starbucks

  1. a. Your knowledge about the company’s existing web-presence and offering ways to fix it are keys to winning over an employer. You are able to show by this example what you are capable of while blogging and what your direction is with the company’s blog.

    b. The knowledge that you need to be concise and identify with your audience are two technical values that an employer would want for their blogs.

  2. a)you do a great job in identifying a company that you love who needs some extra help reaching out to their consumers. You as a consumer seem to know the products well and have done some research on their company as far as to identify why they would need you as an employee. You also know how you would even go about taking on the challenge of building enthusiasm for their coffee again.
    b) I think Starbucks would benefit from your enthusiasm and knowledge of not only the product but also the company. As a reader, I can sense the enthusiasm and as a consumer that is very important in attracting me towards their stores. Your blog also shows the time you take in writing posts and the effort and research that goes into them, which Starbucks would also benefit from.

  3. A1- I think that you show the employer the importance of connecting with its customers and what the customers are coming to that business for – in this case, coffee. You as a consumer and someone who loves their product can write from a place of great appreciation for their product and represent it in a positive light.

    A2 – In regards to the connection between the blog and the Starbucks customer base, you seem to follow it and realize that it needs some help, it has somehow lost its way, as someone with a blogging background, you know you could develop their blog around their product and your skills.

    B1 – I think the fact that you reference the tightness of posts will help the employer. Starbucks is known as a company that markets simplicity and quality, you know how to write a quality post and make it compact, this could work well with this company.

    B2 – I think that you also serve as a an evaluator for the company because you are a fan of their products and seem to be able to share your thoughts about their products faithfully and honestly, this could help the employer market their products in a way that is personal yet appealing to the consumer.

  4. A. You are very clear when talking about how beneficial you would be to Starbucks in the social media sense. You tastefully suggest that there is room for improvement within the company and show how you would be able to help with that.

    B. I’d say you write as an advocate, specifically within this post. You specifically point out what you would have to offer to the Starbucks corporation. You’re very good at talking in story form, and I especially enjoyed your last couple of sentences in this post!

  5. Something the potential employer Starbucks would find a strength is that you offer them great ideas to help them in social media, which is something every company needs. You also layout that you do have experience and would be able to give their blog that ‘oomph’ it needs.
    You definitely know the company that is Starbucks and would offer expertise on that mixed with your strong writing skills to help them.

  6. Your writing here is very well done. I like when you say, “Coffee is full of life, passion and routine (not in the boring way) and Starbucks could embody those qualities through their blog. People love coffee but this blog has the ability to make people excited about coffee again!” That is such a great example of your enthusiasm for this blog. I can feel your excitement!

    You seem to have a great flow to your writing; you utilize a story form, and you write with your reader in mind. I think that this piece is great! If I were Starbucks I would definitely hire you!

  7. You make it very clear who your audience is. I like how relatable you are in your writing with your tone. Your paragraphs are the perfect size and you even state it, “short sentences and paragraphs are gold”. You would be the perfect blogger for Starbucks because you really seem to know all about the company.

What do you have to say?